

今日整日收到6個SMS,這些年黎最憎收到的SMS,何必又出現呢,要人可憐嗎?濫用親情、同情心嗎?受左咁多教訓,又再犯事。明知唔應該當呢D SMS 係一回事,卻做左一樣少少愚蠢的事,先跟我阿爸說,然後再跟我阿媽說,或者總覺得應該俾佢地知…開始都無乜野,講完當知左就算,即使阿媽再三不斷咁鵝我阿爸唔好做咩野,好地地到夜晚阿爸的電話開始響,最後忍唔住話去幫佢,然後火又黎,按奈不住,連我都燒埋…

3 則留言:

sHarOn 說...


阿達 說...

Thanks just 想申下

匿名 說...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Câmera Digital, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://camera-fotografica-digital.blogspot.com. A hug.